How to Care For Your Hair
Your general approach to hair care is critical when you want to maintain fuller, shinier, and smooth hair. While genetics play a great role, having the right hair care routine goes a long way. How you eat, the products you use, and how you wash your hair are crucial to maintaining luscious hair. There are many conflicting opinions out there. But it all comes down to individual needs. Once you understand your hair coming up with a care routine is easy. This guide offers essential tips and hacks to help you get your desired healthy hair.
Tips for Washing
Use Hair Mask Treatment?s And Oils Before Washing
Using a hair mask is necessary, just as oiling is. So, consider them part of your pre-wash treatments. If your hair is super dry, the oil will be helpful before shampooing. Some people apply the oils during bedtime if they plan on washing in the morning. You too, can adopt this technique. The important thing is that you need to get your mask and oils from the same hair care range. That's the best way to see the result you want. Thicker oils are better when you want to deeply nourish any damaged lengths. Pairing oil treatments with a hair mask is good because they do wonders, especially for damaged hair. The masks do deep conditioning and hydrate your hair.
- Wash Regularly and Gently, Don't Tangle Up the Hair While Shampooing
Of course, you are not going to wash your hair every day. But you need a routine every one to two weeks to detox and wash your hair. This helps eliminate debris, oil, or products trapped in the scalp and strands. But if you have a very active lifestyle or often work out, you likely wash more frequently. Try to be gentle but thorough when working the shampoo into the hair and scalp. This will help you avoid tangling the hair. Add shampoo as it's needed but focus more on the water. Once the hair is sopping wet, washing will be easier.
- Moisturize Correctly – Don’t Apply Conditioner to Roots
For you to have healthy hair,
moisturizing is essential. However, you have to do it properly to avoid any damage. Over-conditioning is easy when you apply the conditioner to the roots and scalp. This can make your roots look greasier and weigh down your hair even after washing. Apply the products evenly from the mid-length. You don't want to clog hair follicles and slow down growth, all in the name of moisturizing. There are so many ways you can go wrong with conditioner. That’s why it’s important to learn how to use it correctly.
- Use Chemical Free Shampoos
The days of walking into the store and picking any product for your hair are over. These days you have to know the brand and which ingredients are included in the shampoo. Toxic chemicals can be detrimental to your hair. The best form of protection is to go with
chemical-free shampoo. Several brands are developing products that embrace natural ingredients, which can be great for your hair. If your shampoo contains harsh ingredients like sulfate, your hair will look dull and dry. It will strip your hair of all the natural oils. Shopping has now become a major part of caring for your hair.
- Rinse Hair in Cold Water When Finished
One thing that almost all hair experts agree on is a cold rinse after washing. Cold water makes the cuticles lay flat. This will leave you with stronger, shinier, healthier, and bouncier hair. It definitely won't be the most comfortable to end your shampooing session, but the benefits are worth it. The cold rinse will also help lock in hair color and boost the conditioner's benefits. So if you have recently had your hair colored, you should start embracing cold water. Another thing you should learn is how to properly dry your hair after washing. Heat treatment can damage the hair. Press the hair with your hands, then get the rest of the water out with a microfiber towel. Air drying is usually the best.
- Do Not Overwash
Overwashing your hair doesn’t mean you get all the dirt out. This can lead to persistent hair loss and damage, especially when you overuse washing products. Also, too much washing will remove all the natural oils. You will notice your hair start to appear coarse and dry. Not washing your hair enough can cause irritation, clogged pores, and dandruff. You need to find a healthy balance. Once you have figured out a steady routine that works for your hair, you will be happier for it.
Tips for Styling
Getting your hair care routine locked is amazing. But you also want to feel confident every time you step out. So styling is equally important. Here are a few tips that will make styling a bit easier.
- Dry naturally, if possible.
Natural drying is overall healthier and will prevent breakage to a large extent. You can prevent the strands from becoming brittle and lock in more moisture. Applying curl-defining products on wet hair makes it easier to achieve natural curls. Your hair will dry smoother, and styling won't be as daunting as usual. The natural texture is everything, no matter the style you want. Most people don't pay much attention to how they dry their hair after washing it. But if you want a great general appearance even without doing much, drying shouldn't be more than an afterthought.
- Avoid Heat
Heat styling tools can be damaging, especially if you use them often. They can also lead to poor odor. After working hard for healthy hair, it will be sad to start noticing some breakage. Other ways to achieve your desired look without exposing your hair to direct heat exist. For example, braiding out the strands is the easiest way to get curls without heat. You can leave the braids overnight to get the best curls. This works best when there is a bit of water in the hair. You can play with as
many styles as you want without damaging the hair.
- If You Are Using Heat, Use a Heat Protectant
Realistically speaking, some styles will be hard to pull off without some heating tools. In such a situation, keep your heat protectant in hand. You can apply the protectant on wet or dry hair, depending on the type of protectant. Apply it correctly before using curling irons, blow dryers, straightening irons, or other hot tools. To ensure you evenly distribute protectant, apply it section by section. When you have the spray, you can have a little more room to explore different styles of your hair and still keep it healthy. Rocking the same hairstyle week in and week out can become routine and boring. Protectant spray is a must-have if you are more adventurous with your hair.
- Don’t Use Rubber Bands; use Soft Protective Ones.
Tying and sectioning hair is almost inevitable when styling. You have to hold it bit by bit to ensure you get the style you want. That's where the elastic bands come in. They are underrated, yet they have been used times without a number to perfectly achieve a variety of styles. But instead of rubber bands, find the soft protective ones. If you have used the wrong bands, you know how painful it is to remove them when they get caught in your hair. Aside from the pain, rubber bands cause
breakage, especially when you pull hard. Whichever bands you use, remember not to make it too tight. Understandably, you don't want hair spilling out, but that shouldn't be the excuse to make the bands too tight.
- Buy High-Quality Mousses and Sprays
Volumizing and styling your hair is going to require several products. The best part of using high-quality products is that you don't have to compromise on your hair quality. They also tend to last longer than low-quality sprays and
mousses. Spending a few more coins to get the best for your hair won't hurt. You will get the maximum benefits. Like buying any other hair product, check the ingredients before leaving the store.
Tips for General Care
Haircare is not all about the products you put on it. Hair treatment has many aspects if you want the best possible results.
Lifestyle choices play a significant role in achieving healthy hair. You should think about making a few changes. These general tips will go a long way in establishing a great routine.
- Eat Healthy
You may have heard this advice already. But most people don’t associate hair with food. Making wise diet choices is one of the best things you can do for your general health, including hair. Ensure you include vegetables, fruits, poultry, fish, and whole foods. Foods that don’t have artificial additives can be rich in nutrients. You can never go wrong with implementing a healthy diet. You don't have to make drastic choices; just introduce a few healthy food items to your diet.
- Sleep On Silk
Usually, most people consider silk pillows a luxury, but experts agree the benefits are very pronounced for hair. The smooth surface will reduce breakage because there is no friction. The friction from cotton will start taking a toll on your hair. If you can't get pillowcases, find a silk head wrap. You will notice a great improvement after you make the change. It might seem simple, but the benefits will be great.
- Get Regular Trims
Trimming hair encourages growth, prevents hair damage, and avoids split ends. You will also have an easier time styling hair after trimming. It may seem counterproductive to cut hair, but it's proven to work. A great cut will change your look and help it grow healthier.
- Protect Hair From Sun
Those hot sunny days can be detrimental to the hair. Find ways to
protect hair from the sun. Wrap a scarf, wear a wide hat, or get an umbrella. That's your best line of defense. You can buy hair sunscreen, but ensure you get the right product. The same way you protect your skin from the sun is the way you should take care of your hair.
- Don’t Sleep With Wet Hair
Sleeping with wet hair can damage your follicles and even lead to hair breakage. Wet hair easily harbors bacteria; this can impact your pores. If you do it regularly, it might result in hair loss. Hair is very fragile when wet. If you must wash your hair, ensure it's a few hours before bedtime. Aside from your hair, getting your pillow wet can have an unpleasant effect on your face. You may start developing skin infections or irritations.
Hair protection and general care can do wonders. You will hear all sorts of advice about caring for your hair. The most important thing is understanding your hair needs because everyone is unique. If you are starting to grow out your hair, the care routine you use won’t be the same as someone who has had the hair for years. Talk to an expert so that you can start making the right choices. But these tips and hacks will help you hit the ground running.